At the beginning of 2022, the law regarding DUI diversion changed. DUIs are no longer eligible for diversion in California. Please contact our office with any questions. Email us at OR Call us at: (415) 523-7878

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Law Firm of Aaron Bortel

Dedicated San Francisco County, CA DUI Lawyer

Dedicated San Francisco City-County, CA DUI Lawyer

Do you need a DUI lawyer? Call the Law Firm of Aaron Bortel!

A DUI changes everything. One minute, you’re sure you can make the 10-minute trip home; the next, you’re being handcuffed and booked on a DUI charge. It can be devastating, embarrassing, and expensive. Instead of putting your hard-earned money towards your next vacation, you’re making payment after payment for fees and damages.

While it may feel like a hopeless situation, the truth is you can get help for your case. Often, attorneys for DUI charges can help to make your situation much more manageable. Instead of going through everything on your own, your DUI lawyer can help you understand the impact and repercussions of your DUI.

The Law Firm of Aaron Bortel has served clients in the Bay Area for over 30 years. With an office conveniently located in San Francisco County and virtual consultations, we can help even more clients. Attorney Bortel has helped countless clients reemerge after a DUI with a new lease on life. With his help, you’ll be able to readjust to the new life waiting for you on the other side of your DUI charge.

Attorney Bortel will ensure that your DUI paperwork is handled efficiently and offers effective counsel. He will work tirelessly to ensure the best outcome for you. While there are no guarantees with any kind of case, Attorney Bortel has years of experience in helping clients understand the implications of their particular situation.

Call Us 24/7 For a FREE Case Evaluation | (415) 523-7878

DUI In San Francisco County, CA

Dedicated San Francisco City-County, CA DUI Lawyer

In California, a DUI is technically two charges: one for driving under the influence, and one for driving with a BAC (blood alcohol content) level above 0.08. Only one charge needs to be proven for a conviction.

Four DUI’s in the span of 10 years can warrant a felony DUI conviction. In addition, if there was any injury as a result of your DUI, you could face a felony DUI conviction. The District Attorney can decide to pursue a felony conviction regardless of if there was loss of life. In these regards, having a DUI defense attorney is imperative to help you beat these charges.

Will I Lose My License After A DUI?

Whether or not you lose your license after a DUI in San Francisco County, CA, depends on several factors. If this is your first DUI, there may be room for driver improvement classes to show good faith that you are taking responsibility for your actions. If this is a subsequent DUI, the fines may be higher, and the likelihood of your license being suspended is greater.

Immediately following your DUI arrest, you’ll be issued a temporary license, valid for 30 days. This action is done by the DMV. Many people fail to realize that getting a DUI is a double-edged sword. While it may be your first offense, the DMV will still suspend your license unless you’ve contested the suspension. This must be done within 10 days of your DUI arrest.

Although DUI cases can last upwards of six months, the temporary license you receive can be extended throughout this time. If you are convicted of your DUI, your license could be revoked or restricted depending on the stipulations of your conviction.

How Long Will I Stay In Jail After My DUI Arrest?

Typically, you are arrested and held in jail overnight. This is as long as there isn’t some extenuating circumstance keeping you in jail.

If it is a holiday or bail was set for you and you can’t pay it, then you will stay in jail until your arraignment. Arraignments in San Francisco County usually happen 48 hours after arrest. However, some situations may prolong the waiting period.

Call Us 24/7 For a FREE Case Evaluation | (415) 523-7878

Does A DUI Stay On My Record Forever?

Dedicated San Francisco City-County, CA DUI Lawyer

A DUI in San Francisco generally stays on your driving record for 10 years. Although it falls off after 10 years, it can still be seen by some industries. For instance, law enforcement agencies will be able to see it, as well as some employers, such as the government. Any type of position where you would need clearance, your DUI will show up.

Your DUI will stay on your criminal record until you have it expunged. To have a DUI expunged, the court will take into account several different factors, such as:

  • Length of time since the conviction
  • Other items on your criminal record
  • How severe your DUI was
  • Behavior while on probation
  • How well you followed court orders

Schedule A Consultation Today!

Law Firm of Aaron Bortel | We’re in this together!

Do you need a compassionate and experienced DUI lawyer in San Francisco County? The Law Firm of Aaron Bortel can help! Attorney Bortel has helped thousands of clients over the years. With support and legal guidance based on quality care and attention, Attorney Bortel will represent you during this difficult time.

You may feel as though you are alone in this, but that isn’t true. Let Attorney Bortel be there for you in your time of need. All you have to do is schedule an appointment today! Call (415) 523-7878 or text (415) 214-9492 to book a virtual or in-person consultation. Initial case evaluations are risk-free and private. Call now!

Call Us 24/7 For a FREE Case Evaluation | (415) 523-7878
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